Keywords: cultural economics, blockchain, network analysis
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His consistent interest is consensus-building in cumulative culture. Cumulative culture, by its nature, requires expertise in one’s own context when evaluating new works (e.g., peer-review of academic papers, critique of contemporary art). For such expertise-dependent consensus-building, can we (i) discover common laws or features across disciplines (positive analysis), or (ii) define and design “better” mechanisms (normative analysis)? To the former, he modeled the dynamic process of consensus-building, with economic growth theory and cumulative cultural evolution. To the latter, he proposed incentive mechanisms for the consensus-building on citation relationships, with random walks on graphs and peer-prediction methods. These studies are important because the consensus-building in cumulative culture could be a fundamental topic for cultural economics and cultural policy.
伊東の一貫した関心は累積的な文化における合意形成である。累積的な文化はその性質上、新たな作品を評価する際に自身の文脈に関する専門知識を必要とする (e.g., 学術論文の査読, 現代美術の批評)。専門知識に依存するこのような合意形成について (i) 事実解明的分析として分野を超えた共通の法則や特徴を発見したり (ii) 規範的分析として「より良い」制度を定義・設計することは可能なのだろうか。前者に対し、彼は経済成長理論と累積文化進化論を組み合わせて合意形成の動学的なプロセスをモデル化した。また後者に対し、彼はグラフ上のランダムウォークとピア予測法を組み合わせて引用関係の合意形成に用いるインセンティブ・メカニズムを提案した。累積的な文化における合意形成は文化経済学および文化政策の基礎的な主題となりうるため、これらの研究は重要である。
Referred papers and conference proceedings
- Ito, Kensuke. (2024), “Cryptoeconomics and Tokenomics as Economics: A Survey with Opinions”, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), pp. 729-746.
- Ito, Kensuke. (2023), “Be More Conceptual Regarding Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as Art”, Leonardo 56 (3), pp. 290-291.
- Okubo, Ikkou, Kensuke Ito, Kyohei Shibano, and Gento Mogi. (2023), “Non-Fungible Token Bubble Prediction using Extended Log-Periodic Power Law Model”, 13th International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (CCSEA 2023), Vol5, pp. 239-255.
- Mita, Makiko, Kensuke Ito, Shohei Ohsawa, and Hideyuki Tanaka. (2020), “What is Stablecoin?: A Survey on Its Mechanism and Potential as Decentralized Payment Systems”, IJSKM, Vol4, No.2.
- Mita, Makiko, Kensuke Ito, Shohei Ohsawa, and Hideyuki Tanaka. (2019), “What is stablecoin?: A survey on price stabilization mechanisms for decentralized payment systems”, 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). IEEE.
- Ito, Kensuke and Hideyuki Tanaka. (2019), “Token-Curated Registry with Citation Graph”, LEDGER, Vol.4, pp. 191-209, DOI:
- Ito, Kensuke, Shohei Ohsawa, and Hideyuki Tanaka. (2019), “Information Diffusion Enhanced by Multi-Task Peer Prediction”, Journal of Data Intelligence (JDI), Vol.1, No.1, pp. 018-035, Rinton Press. DOI:
- Ito, Kensuke, Shohei Ohsawa, and Hideyuki Tanaka. (2018), “Information Diffusion Enhanced by Multi-Task Peer Prediction”, the 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2018), November 19th to 21st, 2018, Yogyakarta: Grand Mercure Yogyakarta Adisucipto, pp.96-104.【Best Paper Award】
- 伊東 謙介. (2018), 分散型オラクルの合意形成に対するピア予測法の潜在的有用性, Journal of Information Studies, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo, No.95 pp.45-56.
- Ito, Kensuke. (2016), “Dynamics of Cumulative Culture with Microfoundation”, Journal of Information Studies, Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo, No.91 pp.47-55.
- Ito, Kensuke. (2021), “Consensus-Building on Citations in Peer-to-Peer Systems”, Ph.D. dissertation in Socio-information and communication studies course of Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies.【III/GSII Dean’s Award】
Articles and chapters in edited books
- Adjovu, Charles. (2022), Interview: Kensuke Ito on the Peer Prediction Mechanism, Medium, Ledgerback Digital Commons Research Cooperative.
- Ito, Kensuke. (2021), Do Resale Rights Stimulate the Art Industry? ―in the light of economics and the spread of NFT, Medium, Startbahn, Inc.
- 伊東 謙介. (2021), 追及権は美術産業を活性化するのか?―経済学とNFTの普及を踏まえて, note, Startbahn, Inc.
- 伊東 謙介. (2019), 第3章 Art Blockchain Networkが取り組む課題, Art Blockchain Network: The White Paper, Startbahn, Inc.
- Ito, Kensuke, and Marcus O’Dair. (2019) “A Critical Examination of the Application of Blockchain Technology to Intellectual Property Management”, Business Transformation through Blockchain. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp.317-335.
- 伊東 謙介. (2018), 先行研究の調査を通じて考える学問としてのCryptoeconomics, d10nLab 寄稿レポート 12/27
- 伊東 謙介. (2018), P2Pネットワーク上に文脈を累積させるプロトコルは設計可能か?, 美術手帖 2018年12月号, pp.90-93.
Selected exhibitions
- Solo Exhibition. (2023), BUILDING BLOCKS: an homage to Seth Siegelaub, EUKARYOTE, Tokyo
- Group Exhibition. (2022), MetaFair, Sono aida #shin-yuurakucho, Tokyo.
- Group Exhibition. (2019), ESPlab “The Consensus”, Ai Koko Gallery, Tokyo.
Grants and awards
- III/GSII Dean’s Award. (2022), for Doctoral Dissertation.
- Best Paper Award. (2018), in the 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2018).
- Ito, Kensuke. (2017), “A Commons-Based Intellectual Property Management Incentivised by Peer-Review and Reward Tokens”, Blockchain and Intellectual Property organized by European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) at Alicante.
- 伊東 謙介. (2017), “累積的文化進化のミクロ的基礎付け”, 日本数理生物学会 (JSMB) 27周年記念大会, 北海道大学.
Non-referred papers
- Ito, Kensuke. (2017), “A Survey for the Methodology of the Theories on Cumulative Cultural Evolution”, Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics the 21th anniversary meeting at Kyoto University.
- Ito, Kensuke. (2015), “A Fundamental Dynamics of Cultural Growth with Microfoundations”, Japan Association for Evolutionary Economics the 19th anniversary meeting at Otaru University of Commerce.
October 2021 | Ph.D. in Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at The University of Tokyo (supervised by Professor Noboru Koshizuka) |
March 2016 | M.A. in Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies at The University of Tokyo (supervised by Professor Hideyuki Tanaka) |
March 2014 | B.A. in Economics at Waseda University (supervised by Professor Yoshiaki Ogura) |
March 2010 | Waseda Highschool |
Work Experience
October 2021 – | Project Researcher at Endowed Chair for Blockchain Innovation, the University of Tokyo |
April 2017 – | Researcher at Startbahn, Inc |
March 2014 – March 2017 | Manager at Startbahn, Inc |
June 2013 – August 2013 | Internship at Wako Works of Art |
April 2010 – May 2012 | Part Timer at Kaikai Kiki Co., Ltd. |